The term Food Secure or insecure continues to be used to define communities that lack access to fresh fruits and vegetables. Usually, these neighborhoods do not have grocery stores in walking distance to residents . Instead of grocery stores and other small businesses these neighborhoods typically have their fair share of churches, and liquor stores.
Because of these food desserts, as they are often called, community leaders have been known to demand supermarkets to open stores in these neighborhoods. Some have been successful, but the majority receive deaf ears and the food desserts persist.
#Familyhood’s 2nd motto #mobetterfood states, “every school shall have a garden, a farmers market and grocery store.” The grocery store is mentioned last because grocery stores require more people and more capital to operate. The natural process towards creating a grocery store is to grow the garden and the farmers market first. Once these two low-cost start-ups attract enough members from each of the schools main organizations, plans for the grocery store should be articulated.