Typically, when one thinks of something ‘Made”, we think of a raw material converted into a finished good as something made.
Our philosophy is to apply a similar definition to people. We define children as “raw material” and seek to give them guidance to become finished goods or healthy adults.
Our Philosophy is called #Familyhood.
#Familyhood defines schools as the center or hub for community development by creating an inter-generational collaboration that starts/operates school based gardens, farmers markets and grocery stores.
This collaboration is based on two motto’s that seek to increase capacity within school sites to operate these low-cost start -up, healthy, school- based ventures.
The two motto’s are: 1) #Friendsofschool which states, “every school shall have a functioning Student Government Association, Parent Teacher Association and Alumni Association..” 2) #MoBetterfood which states every school shall have a garden, a farmers market and a grocery store.”
1stSaturdays is the “do now” strategy to advance any community towards #Familyhood.
Schools sign up at 1stSaturdays.com
The image and purpose of schools is expanded in #Familyhood.
Although, I am sure some schools are already doing certain aspects of #Familyhood.
For example, some schools already have functioning Student Government Associations, Parent Teacher Associations and Alumni Association. I have yet to hear of any school having these three major school based organizations work in collaboration, which is what #Familyhood primarily seeks to accomplish through the #1stSaturdays strategy.
The picture of the large head full of heads represents the student body of a school, its alumni, its PTA and Community partners.
The added role of the school is to grow the intelligence of its school by growing its three main organizations (Student Government Associations, Parent Teacher Association and Alumni Associations).
#Familyhood plants in the mind of the student to graduate from their school and return as a future Alumni to expand the projects they once participated in as students.